Custom and Bespoke

What is custom and bespoke clothing?


  • It’s a unique service that is offered to our customers who generally struggle to find the right fit due to their size or they have an idea for clothing they want to have.


How does it work?


  • The fitting process, which is a combination of specific body measurements and an in-house try on with some of our existing ready-to-wear styles.  We’ve found that it’s great to be able to get you into a garment to talk about what you like and dislike as a starting point to determine your ideal fit.


  • Garment construction? Single needle machines and the single needle construction make for a more beautiful, handmade product.


All pattern pieces are hand spread and cut.  There is no automation to our production process.  Pockets are carefully measured, pressed, aligned and sewn into the exact placement, while belt loops are set by hand, buttons and trims individually marked and pressed into place.


What is the difference between the Custom Made and Bespoke?

The main difference between our Custom Made service and our Bespoke service is the pattern itself.  With a Custom Made garment you’re selecting a pre-existing fit (which has an existing pattern). Once you pick your fit, we will make that garment to order, which is to say you select the materials, details, and trims, and we make you a Custom Made garment.

With our Bespoke service we start from scratch. A Bespoke garment is made to your specification, to your desired measurements and taste.


We will create an entirely unique fit for you, so we will be making a completely unique pattern for you.  Our system allows us to make changes to your unique pattern when adjusting for new fabrics, washes, or in the event that you need to go up or down a size and allows us to make new orders for you without requiring you to come in for an initial fitting/consultation.


Note: we always encourage you to come in to pick up your garment in person, so we can fine-tune any desired changes, etc.

How much does it cost?


– How long does the Custom Made process take?


To sew a garment typically takes 1 – 4 hours. Of course, there’s more to it than just the sewing, including pattern making, technical design, spreading and cutting, wash (in many cases) and finishing.  We schedule 1-2 weeks of time to make a Custom Made garment. There are instances wherein clients aren’t able to wait that long, and certainly, exceptions can be made. Often times we are able to accelerate the schedule and typically ‘Rush’ charges are incurred.